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about us

Sleeping under canvas in a rainstorm,  putting your cup on the fire in the crisp morning hours,  pulling a fish from the waterThis is the good life.

Who we are

Thunderstone Wilderness Ventures evolved from our love of the natural world and it’s power to change lives. We believe spending  time in the backcountry, practicing survival skills of our ancestors, and using natural resources can connect you, not only to nature, but to a deeper, truer part of your own self. 

what we do

We offer outdoor skill classes, handmade items, bushcraft inspired clothing and educational videos. We are students of nature. We do not claim to be the end all experts of survival. Everything we teach we have learned from our mentors, from ancestral history and our firsthand experiences in the wild.

Michael Clutch Lambert 

Since childhood Clutch has longed to live out in the wild like an old-time mountain man. Always looking for ways to connect to nature, he became involved in scouting and eventually earned a degree in Recreation Management from BYU-Idaho. He guided at-risk youth, worked in habitat restoration, and even land management as a Park Ranger. 


He started guiding professionally in 2012. In recent years he has shared his skills and love of the natural world as a survival instructor for California Survival School, and annually at Rabbitstick and Between the River primitive skills gatherings. Clutch considers making people laugh to be his best skill, but also enjoys teaching, friction fire, trapping, fishing, sleeping under the stars, history, archeology, unsolved legends and anything away from the civilized world.


Christian Lambert 

Resident artist 

If you’ve bought a design from us, chances are Christian drew it up. He’s one of the lucky ones whose hands can create whatever his mind dreams up. Christian loves painting, sculpting, working on cars, mountain biking and getting outside.

Jess Lambert

World traveler with a passion for culture, history, language and nature. Jess studied international studies at BYU-Idaho. After college she worked for the Anasazi Foundation and California Survival School and started attending primitive skills gatherings. Jess enjoys making jewelry from natural resources. She loves learning and sharing her knowledge of bushcraft skills and history. For an outdoor business we aren't very tech savvy so Jess has had to suffer through learning how to create a website and get our products and services out there.

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